Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Option C: Blow it all up and start a new path

Option A: Stay in my career and at my job.  Option B:  Stay in my career but move to a different place.  Option C:  Blow it all up and start a new path you really love.  I like C.

Eight months has come and gone quickly.  Tons of assignments.  A lot of ideas fleshed out and put together.  It has been scary, frustrating, exciting awesome and all together one Hell of a ride.  By July I will have my Masters degree in Creative writing which means I have the skills to craft storylines for any medium, from TV and film to video games and graphic novels.  That is pretty broad rang of things.

So now I get to answer the question, "where do I go from here"?  I made a choice to pursue this degree last year and I told myself that "This degree isn't just sitting on the wall."  I am going to use it to create stories and see them performed.  Over the last couple weeks I have envisioned my life from here on out.  There isn't a nice office waiting for me now.  I will have the degree but not a name in the industry yet.  In truth my office will be where I can set up my laptop and get Wi-Fi most days.

There is a strong pull inside me to start my own production company.  To carve out my own niche.  I know it'll be hard.  I know there will be rough patches.  I know I may want to quit some times but there has been no move in my life that I have felt so strongly.  I feel alive when I write.  When I put my head phones on and just type, the world slows down and it's just me and the page. 

So what do I name my company?  I really haven't decided.  My ideas cut across a wide spectrum of genres and mediums.  That answer will come to me sometime soon.  I talked to my career advisers and told them I am looking to partner with other alumni on projects and they were really positive that I should do it.

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